Wednesday, February 13, 2008


When 交响情人梦(Concerto of Love) went in to the TV programme I was stunt actually. I never knew that there is this kind of movie on TV. This movie is on every Sunday 3pm at ntv7 if I've not mistaken. Well waiting for the whole week and just watch the short short one hour makes me to ask for more. I can't wait for sundays to arrive. I went online to watch the movie. Watch movie online.. A very annoying experince. Why? Internet connection is not always steady. So sometimes I have to wait for 10 minutes or longer to load the 2 minutes show. So what do i do during the time, I rewind the show before that. I think I almost memorised some of the 台词. But sometimes its very fast. Well at least this neutralise my anger and impatient. Its a very interesting japanese movie. Its a comedy. Its fill up with classical music.(Rachmaninoff, Beethoven, Brahms, Tchaikovsky) It has a oboe concerto in the movie!! Some scene make me 流泪满眶. It gives out some motivation on doing things in life and in music life. I like this movie. 千秋一新(chiaki) sure'll attracts girls. Haha. But anyway its very interesting. Watch IT!!

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